โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

Why advertise on LinkedIn?

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

              When talking about social media platform useful for business, LinkedIn may be one of the top platforms that businesspersons and entrepreneurs around the world think about. Who would have thought that social media platform not focusing on entertainment like LinkedIn will play a role as important as other online media. In the social media playing field, LinkedIn is a platform with distinct characteristics of being professional and for business.

            LinkedIn plays the role as suggested by its name in being a center for linkage between employers and employees. Users can set up an account to describe detailed information that employers want to know to draw employers’ attention, for example, educational background, experiences, special ability and skills possessed, work experiences including positions held in the past. It is equivalent to Online Résumé collection that Human Resources Department uses to find new employee with experiences and skill set that meet what they look for.

              In Thailand, recent information, as of January 2020, showed that Thai people already signed in for more than 2.7 million accounts. Of which, 58% were male users and 42% were women. Most of users are Millennials, but the number of senior users has continuously increased. Therefore, LinkedIn is one of the platforms that you can’t miss, if you want to advertise your business.

1. LinkedIn is a network of professionals for business.

      From the survey conducted by HubSpot, it showed that there are more 690 million people around the world using LinkedIn. Of which, more than 61 million users are senior Influencers and more than 40 million users are business decision makers. The report also revealed that the number of users who read LinkedIn’s increased by 21% since 2016. LinkedIn is, therefore, the forum that perfectly gathers professionals from various business disciplines.

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

2. Suitable for B2B Advertising

      80% of B2B marketing around the world taken place on social media originated from LinkedIn. Moreover, LinkedIn users have already had business mindset. Advertising with B2B contents usually draw attention and are more open to LinkedIn users. This is different from Facebook which is suitable for B2C advertising

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

3. Can set very specific marketing targets

        Do you know that advertising on LinkedIn can set the target audience in a very specific manner than any other social media platforms? For example, set the target audiences by the company’s names, job title, type of business, location of organization, which are proper for specific B2B advertising.

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

Type of Ads format on LinkedIn

1. Sponsored Content

        This type of Ads can display contents in various formats like single image ads or carousel ads suitable for attracting target audience to visit the website you want, In-feed videos to increase brand awareness, as well as business articles that you want to advertise (Native ads).

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

2. Sponsored Messaging

        This type of Ads is to send your advertising to individual target audiences directly to message inbox. Your advertising will show to only a specific target audience by setting detailed information about target audiences in such a way that only LinkedIn can do, for example, send a specific piece of advertising to message inbox of human resources officers only in Bangkok metropolitan area. In so doing, it results in target audiences spending more time on your advertising.

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

3. Text Ads

        Advertising through Text Ads along with an illustration sized 50×50 pixels will appear on the right upper corner of the Feed page of target audiences. It always reaches target audience because the Ads will always stick to the right upper corner of the Feed.

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

4. Dynamic Ads

      Dynamic Ads will help create Brand Awareness. It is a tool to help display advertising already filtered that your target audiences want to see from past history of visiting your company’s website or LinkedIn account page for retargeting the audiences.

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads

Advertising on LinkedIn by Digisaws can help!

Choose objectives of advertising

To create Market Funnel that answer questions in all businesses To support branding and increase sales in the long run

Choose suitable type of Ads

Different types of Ads lead to different outcomes. We will choose the type of Ads that answer the question about Market Funnel suitable for each campaign.

Find the right B2B target audience

Set the target audiences that fit with your need and perform Remarketing to re-engage past customers who used to visit the channel or our Ads on LinkedIn.

Create and optimize effective advertising

Create advertising through LinkedIn Campaign Manager to reach the right B2B target audience at the lowest pay per outcome for the great value of return from advertising

We can set Ads budget by ourself

We can set budget for each Ads campaign as well as daily Ads views (Minimum at 10 USD per day) We can estimate the number of reach to target audiences and number of Ads viewed.

Submit report after the end of Ads campaign with recommendations

During execution of Ads campaign, you will receive feedbacks about its performance from our team of experts. We will send you report after the end of campaign along with recommendations.

For additional information, please fill in your personal information


099-226-4456, 094-492-4426


@digisaws (with @ in front)

Example of our customers who advertise on LinkedIn

โฆษณา LinkedIn Ads